
Gressy-Sermuz (VD)

Some kilometres far from Yverdon-les-Bains, on the hill of Sermuz, it is possible to see a small mound, last remains of the rampart of a Celtic oppidum (fortified establishment). Note: Gressy and Sermuz are part of the municipality of Yverdon-les-Bains since 1 July 2011.

Canton: Vaud

Swiss topographic coordinates: 539'511, 178'601

OpenStreetMap: Sermuz

Google Earth file: Gressy-Sermuz-en.kmz



  • Le livre à remonter le temps (see Bibliography), p. 85
  • Brunetti C. et al., Yverdon-les-Bains et Sermuz à la fin de l'âge du Fer, Cahiers d'archéologie romande 107, Lausanne, 2007
  • Brunetti Caroline, Menna François, "Gressy - District Jura Nord vaudois", in Revue historique vaudoise, 2010, n° 118, pp. 321-323 (Online consultation, in the chapter "Chronique archéologique 2009")
  • Curdy Philippe, "Le murus gallicus de Sermuz près d'Yverdon-les-Bains VD" in Archéologie suisse, 1984, 8, cahier 4, pp. 230-235 (Online consultation)
  • Geiser Anne, "Yverdon-les-Bains (VD), Oppidum de Sermuz Sur Châtillon" in Genechesi Julia, Pernet Lionel, Les Celtes et la monnaie; des Grecs aux surréalistes, Gollion, Infolio, 2017, pp. 122-125


Others visible sites in the area

The Celtic oppidum

Originally, the rampart should have a length long enough to block the width of the hill and so, to protect a surface of approximately 7 hectares. The graves made on the site allowed to date the construction of the rampart at 50 BC approximately. The researches made on the plateau protected bay the rampart did not abble to determine precisely the function of the establishment. The most possible hypothesis is a military camp occupied during two generations.

A section of the rampart, restored in 1990, allows to see the structure of the rampart with its wooden framework and its facings built with stones. A model of the rampart is visible in the museum of Yverdon-les-bains et région.

Swiss topographic coordinates: 539'381, 178'723

OpenStreetMap: Oppidum de Sermuz

Archeoplus / Archaeology / Archaeological sites / Gressy-Sermuz (VD)